Summer 2023 Annual Bromley Borough CND News 40p
Published by Bromley Anti Nuclear Group
CAMPAIGNS/ACTIONS Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Sat Aug 5th Bromley Vigil outside the Churchill Theatre. 12.00pm - 3.00pm. Leafleting - candles - shadows - cranes.
Aug 6th. SE London CND groups - Hilly Fields Stone Circle 4.30 pm
Aug 9th Peace Picnic in Archbishop Tutu Peace
Garden Chinbrook Meadows, Grove Park 1.30 -
3.00 pm
International Peace Day
Thursday Sept 21st to mark the annual Sept 21st Global Cease Fire Day.
A live festival at Friends Meeting House,
Ravensbourne Rd Bromley from 7.00 - 10.00 pm to raise awareness of the UN International Day of Peace. For more details call: Peace One Day on 020 8344 9900 at St George's House, St George's Rd, Richmond.
London Region AGM - 2023 at SOAS or online [Phone 020 76072307 for details].
Chernobyl Day Vigil and stall. April 26th 2023 123pm Market Square by Mural, Bromley.
Wilpf Garden Party
July 30th from 2 pm at the home of Sheila Triggs 3 Derry Downs Orpington BR5 4DT Speaker at 3 pm.
Marie-Claire Faray will update us on her work with women in Kinshasa, DRC and Marie Lyse Nu- muhoza will tell us what is really happening in Ceremony at Peace (War) Memorial, Church Road,
Rwanda. Bromley at 10.30am. We will assemble outside
Stalls with produce, books and bric-a-brac and a Primark [at the Church Rd side] at 10.15 am.
delicious tea. All welcome. Seasonal Social - Saturday Dec 9th at 7.00pm at Ann