
Summer 2022 Annual Bromley Borough CND News 40p


Published by Bromley Anti Nuclear Group

CAMPAIGNS/ACTIONS Notice from Secretary

Sat Aug 6th Bromley Vigil outside the Churchill Theatre. 3.00pm - 5.00pm. Leafleting - candles - shadows - paper cranes.

SE London CND groups Aug 6th. - Stone Circle,

Hilly Fields - 6pm

Picnic in Archbishop Tutu Peace Garden Aug

9th Chinbrook Meadows, Grove Park 1.30 - 3.00 pm

Bowie Festival stall August 13th 12noon to 5pm Croydon Rd Rec ground, Beckenham.

Bromley Street Stall August 29th Bank Holiday in Market Square by Mural , Bromley 12.00 -

3.00 pm International Peace Day

Wednesday Sept 21st to mark the annual Sept

21st Global Cease Fire Day. A live festival at

Friends Meeting House, Ravensbourne Rd Bromley from 7.30 - 10.00 pm or a Zoom meeting, to raise awareness of the UN International Day of Peace.

For more details call: Peace One Day on 020 8344 9900 at St George's House, St George's Rd, Richmond.

National CND AGM & Conference Oct 8th and

16th - online share. All welcome.

Seasonal Social - Friday Dec 9th at 7.00pm at London Region AGM - 2023 at SOAS or online [Phone Jeanette Mitchell's home - 17b Freelands Rd, 020 76072307 for details]. Bromley. Please bring some food & drink to

Chernobyl Day Vigil and stall. April 26th 2023 12-3pm