Summer 2021 Annual Bromley Borough CND News 40p Published by Bromley Anti Nuclear Group
Notice from Secretary
All of the advertised events are to be confirmed owing to Covid -19. Some of them may be Zoom meetings or have reduced numbers to adhere to social distancing .
Grateful thanks to those of you who are officers, attend meetings, campaign, give donations and pay their subs.
Subs of £5 are now due - please send them to Ann Garrett. [use the tear-off slip at end of newsletter].
The good news on January 22nd was that the Nuclear BAN Treaty became legal! We hope to celebrate this in Bromley with the planting of a tree at some time this year or in the future
CND still very much needs support with their campaigns especially since the Coronavirus has exposed the futility of spending billions on new nuclear weapons when money is needed for essential services. CND is also supporting the challenges of climate change working with XR, dealing with the refugee crisis, and the campaign to get the UK to sign up for the Nuclear Ban Treaty.
The selling of arms to Saudi Arabia continues and there are great concerns regarding increased tension in Gaza, the UK's plans for Trident renewal, the use of drones and the dangers from nuclear power pollution from the Fukushima fall out. This year the Arms Fair takes place again at the Excel Centre from Sept 14th - 17th and we will aim to be there with our banner.
As I say each year - it would be really supportive if local Bromley Borough CND members could also join National CND, if they don't already belong.